Bonus Content: Colored Pencil Collage

Click to Purchase Colored Pencil Collage!Pull out all your newly learned colored pencil techniques!

In Colored Pencil Collage, you discovered the beautiful bits of nature all around you and learned unique ways to incorporate them into your mixed-media collages. If you’re interested in discovering more mixed-media content then be sure to check out more of our books by clicking here.

You Discovered:
– 28 lessons that taught composition, design and colored pencil techniques
– 17 mixed-media projects
– 21 drawing templates to help you get started

Download the bonus content below.

Poetry Bunny Wallpapers:
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1680 x 1050

Dragonfly Doily Wallpapers:
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1680 x 1050

Download the templates found in the book by clicking here.

Free e-Course:
For access to 12 video lessons that accompany projects in the book, go here to Kelly Hoernig’s website and click on Join Us! Using passwords found in the book, you’ll be able to watch all 12 lessons.

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