Podcast: Melanie Testa’s Breast Pocket Project

Melanie Testa‘s October project is to gather 1,000 breast pockets–embellished or plain, fabric or paper or mixed media–by the end of October to represent the women who have chosen not to have reconstructive surgery after mastectomies.

Melanie talks about her own decision to go flat, forgoing prostheses of any kind, and what that means to her. It’s a brave conversation, and it’s an important one for all of us: being informed about choices is one of the most important steps in allowing women to reclaiming their lives after a breast cancer diagnosis.

You can find out more about Melly and her Breast Pocket Project (and all her other projects) on her website. She is the author of Dreaming from the Journal Page. Listen to our other podcasts here and here.     Ricë is the author of Living the Creative LifeCreative Time and Spaceand Destination Creativity. She also blogs at The Voodoo Cafe.

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